Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalms 127:3
Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; Genesis 1:28
Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants All around your table. Psalms 128:3
Her children rise up and call her blessed; Proverbs 31:28
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17
My husband and I were married for under a month before we found out that we were expecting our first child. It didn't come as much of a surprise to us as we had decided before our marriage that we would allow the Lord to determine when we were ready to have children and how many children we would have. We were so overjoyed to be blessed with a precious baby so soon! We had been taught by our wonderful parents the amazing treasure and blessing each and every child is.
Many would probably say our choice to have children so early in our marriage was a bad one. We should have spent more married time as 'just a couple' and not had the distraction of having a baby there. Learning more about each other and married life.
But, my husband and I can't image our lives any other way. Our first born son, born 8 months after our wedding (born at 37 weeks - 3 weeks early) has brought us so much joy and taught us so many priceless lessons!
I don't have my house spotlessly clean everyday, toys are often spread out on our floor, laundry is never caught up, and we didn't/don't have fancy romantic dinners every night, but I have an adorable little son to train and teach the ways of the Lord to.
And having a child hasn't brought stress to our marriage - it has strengthened it! It hasn't separated my husband and I - it has brought us closer. It has taught my husband and I how to seek the Lord for strength and courage for the rough times and to thank and praise Him for the many blessings and fun times!!
Today as I played with my now 15 month old - I was thinking about all the little and big things we would have missed if we didn't allow the Lord to bless us with him early in our marriage.
I don't have my house spotlessly clean everyday, toys are often spread out on our floor, laundry is never caught up, and we didn't/don't have fancy romantic dinners every night, but I have an adorable little son to train and teach the ways of the Lord to.
And having a child hasn't brought stress to our marriage - it has strengthened it! It hasn't separated my husband and I - it has brought us closer. It has taught my husband and I how to seek the Lord for strength and courage for the rough times and to thank and praise Him for the many blessings and fun times!!
Today as I played with my now 15 month old - I was thinking about all the little and big things we would have missed if we didn't allow the Lord to bless us with him early in our marriage.
I wouldn't have been hearing his precious laugh today as I was playing peek-a-boo with him.
I wouldn't be hearing his sweet little voice say "Momma" & "Dadda" everyday.
I wouldn't be getting kisses from him at nap time and bed time - and other times spread out the day.
I wouldn't be seeing him play with his horses for hours and then say "horse" for the first time.
I wouldn't have the hundreds of pictures of him that I've already taken.
I wouldn't have learned first hand the joys of motherhood and the preciousness of a newborn in your arms.
Children are a huge responsibility and a precious soul that takes much time and love to train - but in every way worth it! The scripture promises that if we do our jobs as parents right our children will not depart from the training.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
In March we will be welcoming a second child to our house - as I carry this child and feel it move I am overjoyed for the blessing it will be and we're excitedly waiting for it's arrival.
Two years ago on Christmas Day we found out we were expecting our first blessing from the Lord, our lives have been forever changed and when we are old we will be happy & blessed!

Well said Tabitha! :-)
We also had children right away. We couldn't wait to get married and have babies. I don't feel like I missed a thing! My hubby and I have an amazing relationship. Most of the time I still feel like we are dating and we are most definitely each other's best friends. That is 4 babies later :) Children just made our lives better and I wouldn't change 'not waiting' for anything!!!
Children are blessings! We only have one child right now, but hope and pray we have more. Our daughter was a surprise. Originally our plan was for me to work full time while he got his PhD, then we would have children. God had other plans, and I would NOT trade His plans for our original. Yes, it means money has been tighter, but God has provided for our every need [and many wants].
I think having children early in marriage forces you to be less selfish which is a very good thing for a new marriage. Thanks for linking up : )
I love hearing a heart open to all the gifts God has for them...I think the world's lies has seeped into the church...I wrote today that A baby changes everything...
Blessings to your growing family....Merry Christmas...
Thanks for all your sweet comments ladies! :)
I have really enjoyed reading this post(tear tear) and how it has blessed my heart! I don't say this lightly. It is so good to hear this type of post and to know that someone else out there sees things the way I have learned to see them. Here is my son's movie review of a great movie expressing the same thoughts to encourage your family as it has ours. Enjoy! please share this post with your friends and help us to get the word out! Thanks!
I was just thinking the other day at how very different our family would be if we had "been in control", so to speak, and not released this area of child bearing over to the Lord early in our marriage.
My husband and I have enjoyed nearly 10 yrs of marriage, and have 4 beautiful children, ages 8 yrs down to 17 months. Bearing and raising children is not easy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Our daughter was born 9 months and 12 after we were married! I was so shocked when I found out I was pregnant but what a blessing she is -- now 26 with two kiddos of her own :)
My Husband and I also had children early within our marriage, we were married in late August and our daughter arrived the following early July- we became pregnant 2 months after our wedding. We had our second child, our son, 15 months after our daughter was born. We have been married for 17 years now, and our children are teenagers. Both my hubby and I agree that having children early in our marriage was wonderful, as well as having them so close together. Children are an incredible blessing! Congratulations to you and you husband!
Very sweet!
Popping over from the Best of 2011 blog hop at A Pause on the Path. Congratulations on the new baby!!! And I love your attitude about children. It is refreshing to see those that feel the way you do!!!
well said. A very sweet post. I just found your blog and am enjoying browsing.
I’m having a link party on my blog today if you want to come over and share this I’d be just tickled pink! Here’s the link if you’re interested! Happy New Year, Maria
I applaud your decision! Children certainly are a blessing from the Lord. Blessings, Lori
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