I decided to go with an alcohol based tincture as it lasts indefinitely and it extracts the properties out of the herbs the best. Since you use so little and mix it in with juice/water or something I wasn't worried about it either. : )
• I filled a glass quart jar about 1/2 way with the dry herbs. Instructions say to not pack in the herbs.
• Then I filled the jar to within 2 inches of the top with alcohol (I used Vodka)and sealed it.
• Instruction say to store for 3 weeks in a dry, cool place and shake daily.
• After 3 weeks, strain and discard herbs, bottle in a glass container (I bought some amber bottles to put it in) and be sure and label. Keep out of reach of children.
I'll update you all again once it's done and will let you know how it worked! : )
Have you ever made your own tinctures? If so, what herbs did you use, did you like it and did it save you much money? : )
So what would you use this for when it's done?
This looks fun! I've been wanting to try this for some time. My mom gave me a bunch of echinacea plants this year, so I hope to be able to make tinctures with them sometime soon.
I made a tincture with some Plantain a few years ago. It is supposed to be good for lots of things, and it was basically free, since it grows all over, and very easy.
@ Trophy & Barb - Echinacea is good for your immune system. After this is done you can take it like a supplement.
Joy, that sounds fun about the plantain - I'm really looking forward to how this turns out. : )
I have made several. You can even do it with apple cidar vinegar. I made an oregno one to make you feel well, echincea and fennel one . I will post about it maybe next week.
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So, where do you get the herb? and how do you know when/how to use it?
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